Here at Cosmitto, our content strategy revolves around the art of storytelling. Why? Well, because most businesses have a unique story to tell, and doing so can establish widespread brand awareness and a strong digital presence. Your story could be a highlight of success, tricks and tips to benefit your customers, or a think-piece, exploring new realms of your industry.
We tell these types of stories, and others, with blogs and articles. These two mediums of content sharing are vital to executing a successful, well-rounded digital marketing campaign.
Potential customers will typically stumble upon your website in their search for information or a product. But how do you ensure that your website appears near the top of the list of Google search results? If you want search engines to notice you, you need to optimize your website for SEO. SEO-enriched blogs and articles an effective tool for drawing potential customers to your website.
By posting consistent digital content with optimal keywords, your website’s page rank will rise among search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, thus increasing the number of people who interact with your site.
More website traffic equals more potential customers. By sharing valuable content on your blog that answers questions, entertains, or addresses a hot topic, you can turn general traffic into qualified leads. Those leads then develop into ongoing customer relationships and go toward building a culture of sustained success.
Studying demographics like gender, age, location, and social media engagement can depict which strategies will produce the best results. Once you learn the key traits of your audience, you can tailor your content and digital marketing campaign to best fit their interests and needs. Your most popular content will dictate or discuss industry trends, ignite conversation, answer applicable search queries, and produce high social media engagement that expands your presence online.
For our clients, informative content establishes credibility. By creating and publishing high-quality content, you can develop a positive reputation. Not sure how to start? Try to explain why potential customers should use your products/services over your competitors. It’s the best way to display expertise and thought leadership for your brand. In other words, it shows readers that you know your stuff.
If done right, blogs and articles can mean big business for you — why would you want to chance that success with average content? Want to make sure your content gets seen — check out our social media management services. Let’s talk about how Cosmitto can use blogs and articles to expand your digital presence with content strategy creation today!