At Cosmitto, our website development team is passionate about creating a functional website that can grow with your business. For efficiency’s sake, we never go into the process blindly. We take the time to discuss your project with you through our website consultation process before jumping in. Understanding your requirements, the needs of your business, and your end goals are key to ensuring the solution we design meets your expectations.
Here’s what you can expect us to discuss in our initial website consultation, whether you’re looking for a complete website rebuild or an overhaul of your current website.
It’s important for us to understand what goals you have for your website. For example, what part does it play in your overall business plan? What information is most important to your users? What does success look like to you?
We’ll discuss realistic timeframes for completing your project, taking your desired launch date into consideration.
We provide various tiers of website development to fit your budget constraints.
Knowing your users is vital to creating a successful website design. We’ll discuss your users and their needs.
We want to know what design elements you like and don’t like. If you have an existing website, we’ll walk through its pros and cons (functional and appearance-based). If not, we’ll discuss what qualities you like in other websites. This is a perfect opportunity to show us competitor examples and/or general design elements that resonate with you/your brand.
The initial website consultation helps us gather as much information as possible about your expectations. The clearer the desired result the easier it is to create a plan or strategy to achieve that goal. If you’re ready to pursue a new website for your business, familiarize yourself with our website design and development services and contact our team today!