Guest Blogging for Your Business

Guest blogging is sort of like the online version of “word-of-mouth” marketing. When you break it down, it’s a content marketing strategy and SEO technique that requires someone to publish a blog post on a third-party website. The blog itself should promote your persona, product, or brand in a place where your audience spends time online, allowing them to stumble upon the value you provide while consuming the kind of content they already trust and enjoy.

The Benefits of Backlinking and Promotion

The way Google operates, if others are talking about you, it’s a sign that points to relevance and credibility. And if you’re deemed relevant and credible, you’re also deemed worth sharing and ranking near the top of the search engine results page (SERP). Guest blogging also earns you backlinks—a link from another website back to yours—which is also excellent for your ranking. Just be sure to practice guest blogging by the books. The number one thing you have to remember is that link buying is bad! We repeat, link buying is bad. Put in the work of cultivating relationships with other platforms, communicating your desire to guest blog, and writing a quality piece of content.

Fortunately, guest blogging can be a mutually beneficial arrangement, so if you do it right, people will want to feature your content. Not only will it make both audiences (which should probably overlap) happy, but it drives new traffic to both platforms. In other words, bolster your existing audience and expand even further.

Best Practices of Guest Blogging

When it comes to best practices, follow along with the list below and you’ll be golden:

  1. Find the right audience and don’t settle: Think about general demographics, but also ask yourself this—are you targeting thought leaders, partners, or consumers?

  2. Write something valuable and unique, not promotional: This one seems obvious, but it’s often overlooked in the name of just getting something out there. Your reader should gain something, whether that’s knowledge, insider information, or entertainment.

  3. Don’t go crazy on the links: Yes, link back to your website once, but if you go overboard, you’ll lose the trust of both your readers and the almighty Google. 

Guest Blog with Cosmitto 

If you think you’re ready to dip your toe into the world of guest blogging, contact us today. We can talk about creating a strategy, timeline, templates, and more. Guest blogging is one of those techniques that, when done correctly, can benefit you enormously in the long run. We can’t wait to see where it takes you!